Monday, March 18, 2013


       1.    In   your own words and using referenced quotes describe what “strategic management” is?
The successful  management of a  business depends on having  a  successful business strategy.  Strategy  usually includes  planning to achieve a better  performance than competitor. It is a long term  plan of various businesses that  intend to  reach some preferred state in future by changing its competitive position to meet changing  circumstances . so basically strategic  management  can  affect the future of the organisation.

22.     How is business strategy similar to military strategy? How  is it different?
The word strategy is derived from greek  word “strategos”. Stratos   means to lead and “Agein” means to  follow. So if we look into the past the main root of strategy is military. As in military there is complexity in making decisions. The business strategy is some what similar to  military strategy  because some of the definations clearly state that; Strategy is art of war. It is the process of thinking of being one step ahead of your enemy or not letting your enemy win;  in business also it is  the same as every organisations are focused in coming up with new ideas and being one step ahead of the other one so that they can survive in the competitive market. That dosent   mean  we can completely regard business strategy similar to military  strategy because  business strategy should have a definite policy, it has to be theoretical and based on research and development  proper action plan.  There are three levels off strategy they are corporate level strategy,  business level strategy and  operational level strategy a business  strategy should definitely have a visionary and a meaningful statement.

3  3.         What do  you understand by the  terms  “Strategic analysis”, “strategic development”, and “strategic implementation”.
Strategic analysis: is about understanding the environment,  its is more about research and have  a certain vision to  work on.

Strategic development: it is about formulating and implementing the research you have done previously, having certain  tactics and goals but before implementing them you should ask to  yourself WHAT is the outcome  from it.

Strategic implementations: it is basically about the operations how are you going to do it, what processes you need to follow, get the resources ready.

4 4.         Write about your experience with today’s  case study. What answers did you give?  Was it easy to answer  the questions ?  Did your group agree with each other.
Todays case study was about the development of three states in England those are Milton  Keynes,  Peterborough  and Swindon. Accourding to the data these states are developing in a fast pace .
Yes it was easy to  give  answers to the questions.  Not really everyone had their  own views for the   answers. 

1.       Why are Milton Keynes, Peterborough and  Swindon growing  rapidly? (list as many  answers as you can)
They  are small  towns and it  is easy  to  start  development  works.
The political  leaders are also more focused  in  the development of  the   city. 
These towns were the chosen locations for expansion  by the government  in  1950 to  1960.
They are all on motorways connected to  London and have decent train  links.
They are in between big and developed cities; Milton  Keynes  is in  between London and Birmingham. Swindon is  in between  London and Bristol  and Peterborough is near Cambridge. 

2.       Why  might  their  growth  strategy be ‘mad’ ?
Their growth  strategy might be regarded  mad because their is rapid  development and  less  planning as the place is cheap big companies are establishing their offices there,  more constructions, more immigrants everything  is making the place bit more chaotic.

3.        What  do  you think -  is it a good strategy  to  continue with?    (be ready to state your reasons)
Development is  always a  good strategy,  but it should be  done in a  planned way.

4.       Would you  live in any of these three towns? (list the reasons  why or why not)
I would definitely  live in  any of these towns because  the first and foremost reason  is it is cheap as it is a developing  there  are  more opportunities to work and settledown.
The reasons not to  live in these towns are  there are less  recreational  areas ,  no night life,  no  big  or renowned  colleges or  universities,  less means  of transportation  which  might make life  a bit hard. 

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