Tuesday, November 12, 2013

WEEK: 16

Organic growth:
Organic growth strategy involves strengthening your company using its own energy and resources. This approach to company growth is slower than others, but it has relative low upfront cost. ( (Chron). Which will make it an attractive option for basically to small businesses and also helps in expand their companies not having large amount of capital? 

Merger and acquisition
A merger  or  acquisition  is  a combination of two companies where one  corporation is completely absorbed by  another  corporation. The less important company loses its identity and becomes  part of the more important  corporation,  which retains its identity.
In other words methods by which corporations legally unify  ownership  of assets  formely subject to  separate controls. A merger is not  as same as consolidation in which two corporations  lose their separate identities  and unites to form a complete new corporation.   
Strategic Alliance
An arrangement between two companies that have decided to share resources to undertake a specific, mutually beneficial project. A strategic alliance is less involved and less permanent than a joint venture, in which two companies typically pool resources to create a separate business entity. In a strategic alliance each company maintains its autonomy while gaining new opportunities. A strategic alliance could help a company develop a more effective process, expand into a new market or develop an advantage over  a competitor ,  among other possibilities. (investopedia)

Give an example of a company that has grown through a)  Organic growth  b)  Merger and acquisition   c)   strategic alliance. 

The early history of Bibby Line Group is characterised by organic growth. Starting with seven ships at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the company expanded over the next 20 years to acquire another 18 vessels. Initially it focused on routes to Mediterranean ports, before expanding to support trade with India, China and, later still, South America. Its ships carried many different cargoes, including cotton, sugar, animal hides and many other commodities.


In 1996 Starbucks partnered with PepsiCo to bottle distribute and sell the popular coffee based drink Frappuccino.

Merger or Acquisition

It was a complete and total shock when bitter rivals Publicis  (PUBGY) and Omnicom (OMC) agreed to a so-called merger of equals to create the largest advertising agency holding company in the world

Briefly discuss the merger between Britiv and AG Baar. What advice  would you you give to the new board?
The combined entity of both merger of Britvic and AG Barr is called ‘’Barr Britvic  Drinks plc’’. In which the Britvic shareholders holds 63% of the total share and AG Barr shareholders hold approximately 37% of the share capital. (The Telegraph)
The advice I would like to give a new board is:
·         First of all cut off all the unnecessary expenses
·         Focus on research and development before direct investment
·         Good hierarchy system with proper flow of information.
·         Proper advertising.
What are the positive benefits? What should work well?
·         Being an individual  brand before both the drinks had its own customers preferring their drink,  after the merger there is  more chance of the drink selling with both the loyal customers coming together.
·         If you have a  partner sharing risk you spend more,  and it might be beneficial for the company.
·         New  company can bring new taste in the market and can give competition to other flourishing soft drinks.
·         The resources and the technology can  be shared
·         The human resource can  be used to  the  fullest 
What are  the negative  and potential risks?  What problems might occur?
·         The other  partner   can be less enthusiastic because of less profit sharing ratio.
·         Change in  the regular taste can decrease its sales
·         Clash in decision making, and getting more or less priority.
·         The major issue is cutting off the jobs of the staffs working in both the company .

(n.d.). Retrieved from Chron: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/organic-growth-strategy-57130.html
(n.d.). Retrieved from investopedia: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/strategicalliance.asp
The Telegraph. Britvic and AG Barr merger.


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